> Game Glitches and Fun: 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Castle Age/Farmville/Mafiawars :Cheats or Hacking

I've seen people grow like 2 level's a day in the facebook game Castle age.I was wondering how and found out this small trick. Hope you all like it.

Prerequisites :

  • Latest Mozilla Firefox browser
  • Greesemonkey addon on firefox.
  • Userscript at Userscript.org.

Use of the whole process:
  • You would get demi blessing automatically at the same time daily so you wouldn't miss it.
  • Level Up expected date and time.
  • Auto Play.
  • Auto Monster Battle's and Attack's
Procedure to install:
  • Install Firefox from HERE.
  • Install Greesemonkey addon- HERE
  • Install The userscript for Castle Age Autoplayer, There are other scripts for Farmville and Mafiawars and other apps too in the same place. Do a search and click Install to get it in greesemonkey.
  • There are scripts for rapidshare waiting and such goodies too.
  • Enabling/Disabling the script. there will be a small icon at the bottom right hand corner of the browser with a monkey right click it and select the script you can run it or deselect it to switch off Auto play.
  • Here is a image example of how it works. Add comments if you require more assistance.
For other browsers is not available but similar tools are available use them,For Google chrome few scripts dont run properly.TO install in chrome just follow from step 3 in install procedure.

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Assassin's Creed II - First Hand Review,Gaming Experiance and Rating

New Ezio is out and with new looks:

What I like :

The new Ezio the second ancestor or whatever we call him,He's definitely having a style in assassination.I liked the two secret blades thing and the picking up weaponry from the enemy. The style and movement is more or less the same as the previous.

There is this so called "Leonardo da Vinci" provides Ezio with new weapons, such as a double hidden blade, a poison blade and a miniature firearm, there are also a variety of swords, cutlasses and maces, as well as axes, spears and daggers. The combat system is more complex, with the ability to disarm opponents, stealing their weapons. Six additional weapons can be unlocked by connecting a PSP with Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines to the PS3.

What I dont like:
  • Are we fools having a dual core or Pentium 4 processors should I spend a 1000USD on graphic cards to get maxed out performance in PC ????
  • The config required to run the game in PC is way too high.Though you can get crappy game performance in stupid useless graphic adapters like Nvidia 6/basic 7 series it is never close to the xbox and PS3 quality.
  • I stick with PC because I love using the keyboard and mouse than the irritating analog's or joypad's.

The gameplay is very good with the gliding fighting killing and story stuff but it is very unfortunate that it is not of full quality with PC's config.

I played AC2 in a
Intel Pentium Core2Duo 1.66Ghz
3GB DDR2 667
Nvidia 7600 GT
But was not very happy even If I qualify for the minimum requirement for PC game
specified in Wiki-Assassin's Creed II

Now If anyone wanted to play Assassin's Creed in PC I'd quit it and get a console.

Rating : Out of 10

Gameplay - 8.5
Sound - 8
Graphic - 10 (Provided You have a great PC config :P)
Overall - 9

You can always find great videos and pictures on Gamespot. But this review is for the one's who
think they can run AC2 in PC but have a system configuration less than the requirement :)

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What do you all think of Online Casino's

Hello Fello gamers and friends,
What do you all feel about the recent casino games available throughout the internet ?

I just jumped into this online casino the site helped me a lot with what and how to learn and play online gambling
and online sites that are available to play online casino gambling If you are looking for a online gaming and casino gambling you must give a click and try out http://onlinecasinospotlight.com
I was looking for enlightenment on gambling and sites to gamble and try out your luck then this one might work out.

All the best and best of luck with your games ..!

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